One of the promises we make to AMR contractors is that our full resources are available to them. There are few better demonstrations of this that an incident which occured this week with one of our newest additions to the AMR team.
Myles Awaye, of Myles Awaye Unclaimed Salvage and Freight, encountered significant transportation issues while conducting surface mining operation on the moon of Daymar (Stanton 2b). Our fleet flagship, the AMR Last Stardust*, was operating near Port Olisar and received Mr. Awaye's distress call.
Without skipping a beat, the ship changed course and flew to the moon, retrieving Mr. Awaye safely as the daytime temperatures of the moon became untenable. With Mr. Awaye safe aboard our flagship made its way to the port of call and delivered Mr. Awaye and his cargo safe and sound.
We will always pride ourselves on what we can accomplish together. Keeping our team members and partners safe across the Verse will always be our highest priority!
And a good payday for all involved? That's just a bonus. Fly safe! *Paperwork has finally come through from the UEE and we have legally changed our flagship's name to Last Stardust. This will be reflected on internal records shortly. (Pictured: AMR Last Stardust retrieving Mr. Myles Awaye from Daymar)
