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AMR to host Joint Training Exercise this weekend!

AMR Media Room

AMR, along with our friends in Independent Miner's Guild, Northfield, MultiCorp, Texas Space Navy, and Forsaken Exiles will be hosting a joint training exercise on ArcCorp.

We have obtained all the necessary permits for the event and will kick off at 1700UTC on 26 September. See the teaser video our media department has made especially for this event!

Hope to see you there!



A'care Mining & Reclamation™ 2944, 2949, 2954 All Rights Reserved

Rochester Tower, Suite 1791b, New Babbage, Microtech, Stanton System


DISCLAMER: A'care Mining and Reclamation (AMR) is a fictional player organization in the upcoming massively online multiplayer (MMO) space simulator STAR CITIZEN, currently under development by Cloud Imperium Games. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either elements of Star Citizen or used in a fictitious manner. AMR does not offer any real world services. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Star Citizen® and Roberts Space Industries® are registered trademarks of Cloud Imperium Games.

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